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eCommerce Web Design Portfolio – a Professional eCommerce Web Design Consultancy

Our affordable, custom eCommerce website design solutions have enabled our customers, Birmingham and UK wide, to run their eCommerce websites on the internet in a user friendly manner, with ‘no fuss’ smooth, secure shopping cart transactions. Our eCommerce websites all have integration with Payment Gateways such as Worldpay, Protx etc to process the eCommerce online shopping payments or take them on to a Secure Server (SSL) within our customers’ own management

On-going eCommerce web design maintenance is enabled with a bespoke CMS (Content Management System) to update their products and product ranges, making this an even more cost-effective eCommerce business operation.

The bespoke eCommerce website development has produced a marked increase in our customers’ online shopping sales and has provoked some gratifying comments.

Centresoft eCommerce

A prestigious eCommerce website for Centresoft, the UK’s leading multi-format specialist distributor of video games. An exclusive eCommerce website offering special offers and bundles on the website for staff rewards.

SynergiDesign has delivered an eCommerce website and eCommerce Management System for managing products, product lines, specialist discounting mechanisms and offers, inventory and online transaction reports.

Development and Design Summary:

Cheshires Jewellers eCommerce website

A Jewellery manufacturer with prestige retail outlets in Solihull, Chester and Jewellery Quarter (Birmingham). An Ecommerce shopping cart website that is intuitive and re-assuring to use.

Web design summary:

"The completed website has exceeded my expectations and is very easy to use with no barriers. I have already seen an increase in sales from business driven from my website."

Sam Cheshire - Proprietor, Cheshires Jewellers.

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British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR) eCommerce Website

SynergiDesign developed a bespoke technical specification to meet their rigorous requirements including the ability for members to collaborate and update content of the website in a wiki-amendment dynamic way, the editing to be online and instantaneous with a full audit trail of changes made, by whom, when, and why, search for a doctor/consultant within specified criteria; ecommerce for various goods and services including annual membership fees; annual meeting registration; abstract submission processes; multiple micro websites within the main website and on line voting systems.

The new website was launched at the annual BSIR conference in November 2009.

Development summary:

  • Payment will be taken by RBS FuturePay which has been integrated with the BSIR system so the correct payment value is taken by FuturePay
  • Once payment has been confirmed, members can view their registration in their members’ area.
  • They have the ability to print off a receipt of the payment which details the payment amount, type of booking, how the payment was made and a payment reference number.
  • All members’ payments are logged in the Management System for BSIR administrator use.
  • BSIR members can join for online subscription payments and manage their payments online.

"This complex project has been undertaken with professionalism, efficiency, friendliness and understanding. They have done their best to accommodate changes to the specification along the way without incurring large additional fees. Everything asked of them has been performed to and indeed above expectations in many cases. I have been most impressed with the calm way that Chetan and his team have handled the project from start to finish."

David West, Chair of the British Society of Interventional Radiology website committee.

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RemindMeNow.com eCommerce Website and Bespoke CMS

RemindMeNow (RMN) provides a service for business, personal or organisational use. Its basic function is to enable members to remind themselves and their customers of important dates, deadlines etc. through a sophisticated diary and reminder system operated through the member’s own extensive control panel. Taking things much further, several complex scheduling systems enable customers to send a stream of reminders at pre-set times and utilising different media to staff, customers and other contacts, also creating a fertile list of new contacts. Bonus mechanisms and financial transaction functionality were integral to the development. The membership system works through a secure database which allows members’ details to be used for marketing, promotion, email marketing and other business development uses.

Development and Design Summary:

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Diamond Dealer Direct eCommerce Website and Bespoke CMS

Diamond Dealer Direct is a long-established diamond merchant and manufacturer with a recently acquired retail outlet which now enables them to deal direct with the public giving access to one of the UK's largest stock of internationally recognised certified diamonds from the top gemmology laboratories. A high end ecommerce shopping website and content management system with a sophisticated and customised pricing software system and also an extensive search engine campaign was developed for Diamond Dealer Direct.

Web design summary:

"Thanks to an extremely high quality website and consultancy and exemplar management of our PPC search engine campaign, we have broken into an extremely competitive internet market easily competing with long established jewellery internet players. In a surprisingly short space of time we have seen a dramatic increase in both enquiries and good quality sales."

Chris Shellis, Director - Diamond Dealer Direct Ltd

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Oxford Coach-Mentoring Channel Audio / Video Streaming eCommerce website

Oxford Coach-Mentoring Channel offer one to one training sessions accessed via a secure online shopping cart facility. The multi-subscription service offers audio and video streaming sessions up to one hour in length bought to corporate customers by sophisticated Flash streaming technology. Their innovative products are maintained by OCMC via a bespoke Content Management System.

Web design summary:

"This project pushed the boundaries of web design and incorporated many of the latest technologies to deliver high quality streamed audio and video products. The outcome is a very solid e-commerce system, with many additional features and functions, which looks great and performs its tasks perfectly...We found Synergi to be professional in their approach and had the needs of our business at heart whilst also being friendly."

Ed Parsloe - Director, The Oxford Coach Mentoring Channel

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Blue Daisy Flowers eCommerce website

Blue Daisy Flowers is a high quality florist catering for the wedding and corporate market which required an ecommerce website and contemporary, professional, unique brand and logo design for their company.

Web design summary:

"Synergi exceeded our expectations in the corporate identity designed for Blue Daisy Flowers, we have had many compliments from our customers and other traders. The design captured our professionalism as well as a certain uniqueness"

Manj Sanghera - Owner, Blue Daisy Flowers

Just Jags eCommerce Website

Just Jags is a high quality new Jaguar Cars parts company that trades worldwide. They required an efficient, practical e commerce website to match their professional, classy, contemporary brand and logo design.

eCommerce Shopping Web design summary:

"The website is really helping our business. Every month the amount of orders taken through the website seems to be increasing. However more importantly on a day like today (which in our business is traditionally not very busy - holidays etc.) more or less 50% of all the enquiries / orders that have been telephoned through have started with the sentence 'I was just looking on your website......' - thought you might like to know."

Tom Carr, Just Jags

StudyFlex eCommerce website

StudyFlex an approved centre of the Chartered Management Institute, offer innovative management training and recognised qualifications, via distance learning. Their main offering is through the internet. As a new business venture Synergi Design gave them a lot of support and website consultancy to ensure the success of the project.

Web design summary:

"Our business necessitates an attractive website that will appeal to all learning styles and will be fresh and innovative. The development of our website is ongoing and has already had a major effect on our business. Synergi Design are excellent to work with and we anticipate this positive relationship continuing."

Peter Thorp - Director, StudyFlex

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Grails eCommerce Website

Grails Ecommerce Shopping website is one of the stars of the BBC2 business TV show - Dragons' Den that Rachel Elnaugh invested in. They produce tailor made suits for women.

Web design summary:

"It was incredibly important to us that the website reflected the existing brand that had been created for Grails. It was also essential that customers would have an easy shopping experience on the eCommerce website, as trading online formed a big part of our business plan"

Tracey Graily - Director, Grails

eCommerce security and functionality


Synergi Design takes the issue of eCommerce security very seriously and will design for your company or organisation a professional eCommerce website so that your customers are confident in the knowledge that they can use their credit cards safely online, whether through integrated payment gateway systems or a secure server.


Your eCommerce website will have full eCommerce functionality which guarantees that the shopping process will be swift, efficient and easy for customers to use and feel relaxed about purchasing goods online. Instructions and information are clear and unambiguous, presenting the right professional effect that will encourage your customers to go ahead and make their purchase. Consumer expectations of the eCommerce shopping cart process are high and we are constantly successful in meeting these expectations and retaining loyal online purchasers.

eCommerce web design and bespoke CMS Content Management System

About SynergiDesign

SynergiDesign is a qualified and experienced professional Birmingham based website and creative design agency which has created many stunning websites for a variety of businesses and organisations all over the UK.

SynergiDesign are experts in the web site and corporate design field. We offer a complete range of internet marketing and associated services: creating a brand and logo; design and print; website development; eCommerce; search engine optimisation (SEO); flash animation; video; website hosting and domain name management.


Latest Projects

The Law Society

The Law SocietySynergiDesign won the contract and created the software (secure, interactive, web-standards compliant, meeting the highest of web accessibility W3CAAA standards, web software) to undertake this marketing activity and analyse its success.

"The level of activity generated by these campaigns met or exceeded our expectations."
John Rieger - The Law Society

"I am writing to congratulate you and your team for the first class sales brochure that you have produced for our latest development in Belgravia"
Rigby & Rigby

Presentation for an Automotive international trade show in Japan on behalf of the government agencies we designed an impactful presentation pulling together content from a variety of automotive manufacturers.

"Many thanks for your help on this project and turning it around within such a short timescale. I was most impressed with your level of expertise and service and will happily recommend you to other colleagues."
Ginny Truslove

Web Applications / Software Development

Content Management System – Web Application

CMS InterfaceSynergiDesign have created an innovative, versatile and highly functional website and CMS for SO LONDON Publishing. The website and bespoke content management software are designed to the highest .Net 2 and CSS programming standards which allow for online management of the magazine including:

  • magazine issue management
  • articles and article ranking
  • image management
  • image auto optimisation and resizing
  • complex banner advert management

Ecommerce Web Design

Diamond Dealer Direct is a long-established diamond merchant and manufacturer with a recently acquired retail outlet which now enables them to deal direct with the public giving access to one of the UK’s largest stock of internationally recognised certified diamonds from the top gemmology laboratories. A high end ecommerce shopping website and content management system with a sophisticated and customised pricing software system and also an extensive search engine campaign was developed for Diamond Dealer Direct.

Diamond Dealer Direct

Web design summary:

  • Web Design
  • Ecommerce shopping cart
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • PPC campaign
  • Bespoke Content Management System
  • Reporting System
  • Order Management System
  • Registration System