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Video Streaming Ecommerce Subscription Case Study - Oxford College of Coach Mentoring

This innovative e commerce project for the Oxford College of Coach Mentoring provides corporate customers with secure ecommerce purchasing for their employees to access a multi-subscription training service which includes audio and video streaming sessions up to one hour in length.

Technical Challenge

There were a wide variety of audio and video files that needed standardisation and conversion to Flash streaming technology.

The challenge was to ensure the 1hr plus video and audio delivery was quick-loading, with a smooth, consistent delivery.

Optimal testing and setting of bit rates, encoding; bandwidth; frame rates; video data rate, audio data rate, video size, number of users were all issues that were considered, in order to achieve the highest video/audio streaming quality for the website.

Security and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection

Appropriate technologies and programming methods were employed to maximise the security of the ecommerce website and the video and audio streaming in order to protect the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of the material being viewed and listened to.

Immediately the site was launched, Oxford College of Coach Mentoring was in negotiation with very interested corporate customers in the US and London UK. The impact and quality of the training videos supported OCMC in gaining a contract with the largest insurance provider in the UK – and fifth largest worldwide, with 40 million customers – to provide them with a dedicated video training portal.

Usability for the end-user is as high as possible, yet the site retains a professional image using high quality audio and video and ecommerce (shopping cart) technology.

Customer feedback has been very positive about the features incorporated in the site and the Oxford College of Coach Mentoring international annual conference was viewable online for the first time.

Web video and website consultancy delivered:

"This project pushed the boundaries of web design and incorporated many of the latest technologies to deliver high quality streamed audio and video products. The outcome is a very solid e-commerce system, with many additional features and functions, which looks great and performs its tasks perfectly...We found Synergi to be professional in their approach and had the needs of our business at heart whilst also being friendly."

Ed Parsloe - Director, The Oxford Coach Mentoring Channel

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About SynergiDesign

SynergiDesign is a qualified and experienced professional Birmingham based website and creative design agency which has created many stunning websites for a variety of businesses and organisations all over the UK.

SynergiDesign are experts in the web site and corporate design field. We offer a complete range of internet marketing and associated services: creating a brand and logo; design and print; website development; eCommerce; search engine optimisation (SEO); flash animation; video; website hosting and domain name management.


Latest Projects

The Law Society

The Law SocietySynergiDesign won the contract and created the software (secure, interactive, web-standards compliant, meeting the highest of web accessibility W3CAAA standards, web software) to undertake this marketing activity and analyse its success.

"The level of activity generated by these campaigns met or exceeded our expectations."
John Rieger - The Law Society

"I am writing to congratulate you and your team for the first class sales brochure that you have produced for our latest development in Belgravia"
Rigby & Rigby

Presentation for an Automotive international trade show in Japan on behalf of the government agencies we designed an impactful presentation pulling together content from a variety of automotive manufacturers.

"Many thanks for your help on this project and turning it around within such a short timescale. I was most impressed with your level of expertise and service and will happily recommend you to other colleagues."
Ginny Truslove

Web Applications / Software Development

Content Management System – Web Application

CMS InterfaceSynergiDesign have created an innovative, versatile and highly functional website and CMS for SO LONDON Publishing. The website and bespoke content management software are designed to the highest .Net 2 and CSS programming standards which allow for online management of the magazine including:

  • magazine issue management
  • articles and article ranking
  • image management
  • image auto optimisation and resizing
  • complex banner advert management

Ecommerce Web Design

Diamond Dealer Direct is a long-established diamond merchant and manufacturer with a recently acquired retail outlet which now enables them to deal direct with the public giving access to one of the UK’s largest stock of internationally recognised certified diamonds from the top gemmology laboratories. A high end ecommerce shopping website and content management system with a sophisticated and customised pricing software system and also an extensive search engine campaign was developed for Diamond Dealer Direct.

Diamond Dealer Direct

Web design summary:

  • Web Design
  • Ecommerce shopping cart
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • PPC campaign
  • Bespoke Content Management System
  • Reporting System
  • Order Management System
  • Registration System