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UK Virtual Call Centre – Call Centre Agents Web 2.0 Portal and Communication Platform Software Development Synopsis

Web Application Development Summary

UKVCC provides call centre services through a network of home based agents. They use the latest secure technology and the power of broadband to enable their agents to answer and make calls from home.

The Solihull (Midlands) company having successfully worked with SynergiDesign on previous branding and web design projects, SynergiDesign was tasked with developing this complex Web 2.0 SQL Server database, communication and reporting software web application. The UKVCC web project works together with high profile corporates such as BT and CISCO.

Web 2.0 Application Development and Web Design

The UKVCC Agents’ web portal allows home based agents to communicate with one another and access the UKVCC agents’ forum for assistance from colleagues and managerial team leaders (Business networking and social networking).

The software system monitors and logs (audits) the actions of the agents which can then be viewed as managerial reports accessible through the web interface.

The Web 2.0 Database Development

The SQL Server database was designed to conform to good Relational Database Management Techniques. Data stored within the database was normalised to the 3rd form.

Using the relationship techniques enables the database to be designed in such a manner that at a later date the database can be extended without having to change the existing database structure – allowing for scalability and cost-effective modular development.

Normalising the data held within the database will ensure that duplicate information is not stored within the database. Ensuring the database performance will be enhanced.

The database will have a secure username and password to protect the information stored within the database.

The management software system

Enables managers and team leaders to login as themselves, but then take control of an agents log in, so that they can see what their agents can see.

Key Web 2.0 software Features:

Management software System

System Auditing

When a user logs into or out of the system an audit trail is created for that user. The information is stored in the UKVCC SQL server database and is available only to Managerial members of UKVCC. Each Manager is only able to view reports based on the staff working for them, so accurate user rights and security exist.


Software User Management

There is a strict hierarchy which is reflected within the software. There are several different user types:

  • Directors
  • Managers
  • Team Leaders
  • Agents

When a director logs into the system they have the ability to monitor managers, Team Leader or Agents.

When a Manager logs into the software, they have the ability to monitor Team Leaders and Agents that they manage. If they do not manage a Team leader or Agent they do not have the ability to monitor their activity.

When a Team Leader logs into the system they have the ability to monitor only those agents that they manage. They do not have the ability to monitor all agents.

When Agents log into the system, they do not have the ability to manage any other users. They only have access to the functionality

Discussion Forum

Agents can communicate with each other for support and technical advice through a custom development online discussion forum.

Agent Management Suite

Agents can update their details online and search for colleagues through the bespoke web portal development.

Newsletter Integration

Although the protection of the white papers is integrated in the email marketing database, visitors can themselves register to receive news letters. The minimum information required is email address and first name. The users’ details are then stored not in the UKVCC database, but a marketing database which is accessible via the Managerial Web Portal.

Protect Areas for documentation (white papers)

All the white papers available within the UKVCC site are protected in such a manner that a user trying to access the white papers section must on the initial access of the section provide a valid email address and name. Once this information has been submitted it is saved in the email marketing database and access is granted to the user.

Security with Web 2.0 Application

There are three different types of security used within the UKVCC Web 2.0 Portal:

The Agent Web 2.0 Portal Database driven (SQL Server)

Users are assigned user rights based on their user Group (Manger/Agent) etc.

A Directory of Agents and Team leaders are available, so that agents can see who else is working with them and what there job functions are. This section is database driven and the users profile that is stored in the database is displayed:

Agent / Team Leader / Manager Profiles

Each user of the system has the ability to modify their profile. The users profile is stored in the UKVCC database. When the user makes a change to their profile, the data within the database is modified and made available immediately to other users of the system.

Managerial Web Portal Database Driven (SQL Server 2005)

Users are assigned rights based on their user Group. In this instance they will be of System Admin Group of the system. This then enables these levels of users to:

  • Add new Users / User Groups
  • View (take control) of another users login and act within the system as if they were logged in that particular user.
  • See who is currently logged into the system
Protecting White Papers

Access is restricted to white papers, a visitor must supply an email address and their name which then enable the visitor to access the papers. The visitors email address and name are then stored in the email marketing database which enables UKVCC to contact the visitors with relevant marketing emails (news letter subscription.)

Synergi Design’s Web 2.0 (Web 2.0 Application Developers) Experience and Expertise

Web 2.0 projects form an essential part of the SynergiDesign website portfolio. We specialise in such complex interactive bespoke websites (Web 2.0 application development), often utilising online video, which can be important ingredient of Web 2.0, and other modern technologies such as .net2, Ajax, SQL, Server 2005 etc.

Our Web 2.0 development (Web 2.0 application development) experience means that we are the Web 2.0 agency / company of choice.

Want to know more about how Web 2.0 can benefit Your Business?

Contact us, we will be happy to explain and discuss Web 2.0 opportunities, Web 2.0 Application Development and Social Networking development with you with no obligation.

We are based in the heart of the country in Birmingham (Midlands) and have many clients from London and all over the country.

Corporate ID and Graphic Design

We developed the Corporate Identity and print work for the UKVCC brand.

This included

  • Corporate Identity design
  • Logo design
  • Leaflet Design
  • Corporate Stationery

Find out more below about Content Management Systems (CMS) bespoke software development

Find out more about our Web Applications

We are expert Web Software Developers:


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John Rieger - The Law Society

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CMS InterfaceSynergiDesign have created an innovative, versatile and highly functional website and CMS for SO LONDON Publishing. The website and bespoke content management software are designed to the highest .Net 2 and CSS programming standards which allow for online management of the magazine including:

  • magazine issue management
  • articles and article ranking
  • image management
  • image auto optimisation and resizing
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Diamond Dealer Direct

Web design summary:

  • Web Design
  • Ecommerce shopping cart
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • PPC campaign
  • Bespoke Content Management System
  • Reporting System
  • Order Management System
  • Registration System