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The Law Society – Online Questionnaire Website Application Case Study

The Law Society - Diversity Census Online Questionnaire

As the national regulatory body for all solicitors in England and Wales, The Law Society wished to conduct a census of its 140,000 members in order to collect data on a range of equality and diversity issues.

Traditional questionnaires often average a low response rate, are extremely expensive to conduct and are not easily accessible to all readers. Such a low response and poor level of accessibility would not fulfil the informational requirements that the Law Society recognised as essential nor justify the anticipated expenditure. SynergiDesign conducted the campaign, built the software, collated the results and achieved very high success rates.

"The level of activity generated by these campaigns met or exceeded our expectations."

"SynergiDesign accomplished the above tasks to very tight timescales. They listened to and understood our requirements, offered sound, thoughtful advice, and delivered on or before our deadlines. I have no hesitation in recommending SynergiDesign for such tasks. Their expert, timely assistance has allowed us to make significant progress on a sensitive, business-critical project."

John Rieger - The Law Society

Building the Survey Web Application

Having decided to conduct their survey online, The Law Society selected SynergiDesign to carry out the technical development of their questionnaire web applicaition. The data to be collected were highly sensitive, relating as they did to sexuality, disability, race, gender, etc. and SynergiDesign was subjected to the Law Society’s stringent supplier criteria before being authorised to carry out the project.

Trusted Partner; handling the sensitive information

Implicit in the contract was the trust that the Law Society put in SynergiDesign to handle and collect this sensitive information in a secure and responsible way. The software developed as a result of this exclusive partnership demonstrates the highest technical standards, able to master all the security and accessibility issues involved and meeting with the conclusive approval of the Law Society.

The resulting Questionnaire System created by SynergiDesign comprised a secure, interactive, highest web standards compliant, accessible online document. It also featured a questionnaire system to track the response of each respondent, enabling the data collected to be integrated eventually within the Law Society’s central records system.

Success of the online questionnaire

The response rate to the questionnaire exceeded the expectations of Law Society’s Communications Unit; this was to a large degree attributable to the accessibility, interactivity and ease of operation of the online document. After completion of the analysis, the Law Society was able to confirm that they had saved a huge percentage of the cost of administering a traditional questionnaire, whilst achieving a high standard of essential information that was easy to store, utilise and apply.

W3C AAA accessibility

The nature of the questionnaire demanded that it be constructed to the highest standards of web accessibility, ie W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Triple A, an area in which SynergiDesign has extensive experience.

Intelligent programming

The questions on the questionnaire were intelligently programmed so as to trigger further appropriate, individualised questions to mine detailed information about each of the respondents.

A successful working relationship

"SynergiDesign accomplished the above tasks to very tight timescales. They listened to and understood our requirements, offered sound, thoughtful advice, and delivered on or before our deadlines. I have no hesitation in recommending SynergiDesign for such tasks. Their expert, timely assistance has allowed us to make significant progress on a sensitive, business-critical project."

John Rieger - The Law Society

SynergiDesign have enjoyed an extended contract with The Law Society as a result of their successful work on the questionnaire.

Contact us or telephone 0121 270 6505 to discuss your requirements and find out more information relating to online questionnaires and other web applications.

Find out more about our Web Applications

We are expert Web Software Developers:

About SynergiDesign

SynergiDesign is a qualified and experienced professional Birmingham based website and creative design agency which has created many stunning websites for a variety of businesses and organisations all over the UK.

SynergiDesign are experts in the web site and corporate design field. We offer a complete range of internet marketing and associated services: creating a brand and logo; design and print; website development; eCommerce; search engine optimisation (SEO); flash animation; video; website hosting and domain name management.


Latest Projects

The Law Society

The Law SocietySynergiDesign won the contract and created the software (secure, interactive, web-standards compliant, meeting the highest of web accessibility W3CAAA standards, web software) to undertake this marketing activity and analyse its success.

"The level of activity generated by these campaigns met or exceeded our expectations."
John Rieger - The Law Society

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  • image auto optimisation and resizing
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  • Ecommerce shopping cart
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • PPC campaign
  • Bespoke Content Management System
  • Reporting System
  • Order Management System
  • Registration System