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SynergiDesign - Training Events Booking Case Study

Events Booking Case study

Online event booking can be used for all types of training events, courses, conferences, exhibitions, visits etc. using an order fullfillment ecommerce payment system to confirm orders, event availability and take payment.

How Event Booking Works

Once a member is registered on your event or training ecommerce web site they can easily sign up for any event that you are holding using secure ecommerce software that safely processes credit cards online instantly via WorldPay, PROTX, HSBC, NoChex, PayPal;, or any other of the ecommerce gateways.

Alternatively an ecommerce shopping cart site can be hosted on a secure server and programmed to take credit card details that you process.

The whole event booking and ecommerce payment process is designed to be secure and easy to use for the online visitor, whilst minimising the amount of time spent by your employees in registration, booking and organising payment. Whether your business is situated in London, Birmingham or elsewhere in the UK, participants from all over the UK can book online for any of your training events or other business gatherings.

Online event booking gives business training and event organisers a flexible, bespoke, efficient ecommerce service.

Booking online for an event with British Society of Interventional Radiology (BSIR)

With BSIR you have the ability to make bookings online. Bookings can include corporate events, annual dinner parties, large/small events – virtually any event you want, which members need to make a booking for.

BSIR can create an event in the management system for which members can then purchase a place.

They have the ability to add :

  • Introduction text
  • Main text
  • Event prices (up to 10 different prices allowed)
  • Start and end date. The event will automatically close registrations once the end date has been reached.
  • Maximum number of delegates. The event will automatically close once the limit has been reached.
  • Ability to disable an event for any reason. This means BSIR will not have to delete and recreate, they can just disable and enable it at a later date.
  • The event will appear on the front end and members can register for the event.
  • Only members who are logged in can register, non-members will not be allowed.
  • Payment will be taken by RBS Worldpay which has been integrated with the BSIR system so the correct payment value is taken by WorldPay
  • Once payment has been confirmed, members can view their registration in their members’ area.
  • They have the ability to print off a receipt of the payment which details the payment amount, type of booking, how the payment was made and a payment reference number.
  • All members’ payments are logged in the Management System for BSIR administrator use.

Booking online for an event with India Pakistan Trade Unit

The International Trade Team of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce and Industry is the one stop shop about the West Midlands working and trading with South Asia.

Midlands World Trade Forum, Birmingham Chambers of Commerce

For Midlands World Trade Forum (MWTF) we developed a membership registration process and membership management system where members could securely login to access member services, edit their profile etc. We also created an events booking and payment system.

All elements of the system were accessible via a bespoke developed administration system.

Online Event Booking and Training Event Order System Summary

Ecommerce web design and bespoke CMS Content Management System

About SynergiDesign

SynergiDesign is a qualified and experienced professional Birmingham based website and creative design agency which has created many stunning websites for a variety of businesses and organisations all over the UK.

SynergiDesign are experts in the web site and corporate design field. We offer a complete range of internet marketing and associated services: creating a brand and logo; design and print; website development; eCommerce; search engine optimisation (SEO); flash animation; video; website hosting and domain name management.


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"The level of activity generated by these campaigns met or exceeded our expectations."
John Rieger - The Law Society

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Rigby & Rigby

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"Many thanks for your help on this project and turning it around within such a short timescale. I was most impressed with your level of expertise and service and will happily recommend you to other colleagues."
Ginny Truslove

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CMS InterfaceSynergiDesign have created an innovative, versatile and highly functional website and CMS for SO LONDON Publishing. The website and bespoke content management software are designed to the highest .Net 2 and CSS programming standards which allow for online management of the magazine including:

  • magazine issue management
  • articles and article ranking
  • image management
  • image auto optimisation and resizing
  • complex banner advert management

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Diamond Dealer Direct

Web design summary:

  • Web Design
  • Ecommerce shopping cart
  • Search Engine Optimisation
  • PPC campaign
  • Bespoke Content Management System
  • Reporting System
  • Order Management System
  • Registration System